Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Yarrow Plant Good For Fighting The Flu.

I recently had a conversation with a R.N. She had been collecting books on herbal remedies for a long time; however she had never really tried any of the remedies.
One summer she ran across a Yarrow plant for sale at an herb store and bought it, she transplanted it into a big pot. In due time it became a very large plant and it bloomed. She kept the flowers and dried them and really didn’t know what she was going to do with them.
The following winter she came home from her job at the hospital with a bad case of flu. She remembered that she had read about making a tea from the Yarrow plant to cure colds and flu. She made the tea, climbed into a hot bath and sipped the tea. After drinking the tea she rinsed off in cool water put on some warm pj’s and went to bed. The very next day she was able to go to work and felt fine, while her many of her working companions were miserable for many days.
It’s very interesting how many native plants have healing properties as well as providing beauty to the landscape. One might begin to believe Mother Nature knows what she is doing if left to her own devices and allowed to flourish in her natural state.
Ion Exchange - Helping You Create Your Own Natural Beauty


Unknown said...

I really looking into herbs I came across your blog and found myself very intrigued. Thanks for the information. Just today I have been looking to purchase this very plant, I'm so excited to find any new info on it. Do you grow any plants of your own?

Earthyman said...

Yes Jelica the Ion Exchange sells native plants and seeds. The Yarrow is one of them. This is the link to the Yarrow Plant information