Thursday, May 1, 2008

Information on Airborne Allergies, Hayfever and Allergic Rhinitis

Information on airborne allergies, hayfever and allergic rhinitis
(Please note that this information is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the services of a medical professional)
With every breath we take, we breathe in millions of microscopic particles such as dust, pollen, plant spores, viruses, bacteria and even pollutants in the form of chemicals in the air or substances that come into contact with the skin and mucous membranes.
Many of these particles are filtered and removed by the nose and respiratory system, while others enter the body. If the immune system is strong and healthy, it can ward off infection against pollutants, viruses and other harmful substances that may enter the body via the air or by contact with the skin.
Normally the immune system will ignore harmless substances entering the body (e.g. pollen, house dust, animal dander, etc). In some people, however, the immune system misinterprets these harmless particles and identifies them as being dangerous to the system.
This triggers a release of a substance called histamine, as well as other inflammatory compounds in the body. This prompts the body to defend itself against the perceived threat by means of a number of mechanisms, including sneezing, mucous production, watering itchy eyes and skin inflammation, thus causing problems like allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, hayfever and skin rashes.
People who develop allergic rhinitis in warm weather, windy conditions or at spring time are generally allergic to grass, tree and flower pollens. Those who have this reaction all year round are probably also allergic to house dust, mold or animal dander.
Because the mucous membranes of the nose and respiratory tract are affected, people with allergic rhinitis are often more vulnerable to colds, sinusitis, influenza and other respiratory infections, setting up a vicious cycle of a compromised immune system, increased allergies, progressive fatigue and weakening of the system.
Antihistamines can be very effective and many people with severe allergies to airborne substances find it very difficult to lead a normal life without them. By preventing or reducing the allergic reaction, antihistamines can also help to prevent the illness cycle that arises due to frequent allergic attacks.
Tips for remaining allergy free
There are many ways to support health naturally and therefore help to reduce the frequency and severity of allergy responses.
Maintain a healthy lifestyle to promote healthy immune systems. This means regular exercise, healthy, preferably organic diet and sufficient sleep.
Eat lots of fresh raw fruit and vegetables which contain rich sources of flavonoids and other nutrients. Learn stress management and relaxation techniques. Stress can exacerbate allergies by weakening the immune system.
Avoid cigarettes, alcohol, caffeine and other recreational drugs, which weaken immune and respiratory tract functioning. (For those struggling to quit smoking, see our Native Remedies Stop Smoking UltraPack. The best thing you can do for your allergies is to stop smoking!)
Add Vitamin C and A to your daily supplements.
Keep an eye on the pollen count in your area and stay indoors when it is high
What is AllergiClear?
AllergiClear is a 100% natural remedy developed by experts in the field of natural health and especially formulated to strengthen the immune system and support respiratory and skin health AllergiClear is a compound remedy containing herbal and nutritional ingredients known for their positive effect in maintaining histamine levels within the normal range and encouraging clear eyes, noses, sinuses and healthy problem free skin.
Taken regularly, AllergiClear can make all the difference and help you to enjoy the outdoors once again!
NOTE: AllergiClear is an excellent tonic taken daily and acting in a supportive and preventative manner. It may be used together with our SOS-HistaDrops when necessary for more immediate on the spot support.

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