Friday, February 29, 2008

Fight Stress The Natural Way

We cant always "get away" for rest and relaxation that our body craves to recoup from all the daily stresses. Daily stresses can take their toll on our bodies. Here is a product that just might help combat some of the stress related damage our bodies experience.

Sustained support through the adrenal aid
The adrenal glands are two walnut-sized structures in the body, situated above each kidney. They consist of two separate regions: an inner adrenal medulla, surrounded by an outer adrenal cortex.
The adrenal gland function is related to the wide variety of hormones released by these structures and is mostly directed by the body’s response to stressors and the chemicals released when certain environments are presented.
As with all structures of the body, the adrenal glands need systemic balance for good health to prevail. The regulation of the cortisol hormone, which stimulates conversion of proteins to carbohydrates, raises blood sugar levels and promotes glycogen storage in the liver by the adrenal glands.
The cortisol hormone is often referred to as the stress hormone, as it is involved in the response to stress. The cortisol hormone has an immunosuppressive action. Balance and systemic equilibrium of the adrenal glands can in turn positively contribute to good metabolic rate, a strong immune system, healthy energy levels, and normal sleep states
Learn even more about the natural remedy of AdrnoBoost Click HERE

The natural way
The adrenal glands are sensitive body structures, responsible for many functions in the body. When they are compromised, a domino effect is created, with one system affecting the next.
Overall health, as well as the well-being and optimum functioning of the adrenal glands, should be addressed. Relaxation methods as well as eating a healthy, balanced diet and exercising regularly can all be of great benefit to adrenal health.
Natural remedies have been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years to support the functioning of adrenal glands.
In more recent times, research has confirmed this traditional wisdom. There are now many published clinical studies demonstrating the ability of a range of herbs to support the endocrine system by supporting the body’s ability to cope with fatigue.

(Spasov AA, Wikman GK, Mandrikov VB, Mironova IA, Neumoin VV. “A double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study of the stimulating and adaptogenic effect of Rhodiola rosea SHR-5 extract on the fatigue of students caused by stress during an examination period with a repeated low-dose regimen”.
Volgograd Medical Academy, Russia. 2000 Apr;7(2):85-9. PMID: 10839209).
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1 comment:

louie said...

Hey, great post. I used to take medications for stress too. Then i followed the tips at this webbie ( , and now i can manage my stress level better. My condition has defintely improved. You should try it too