Tuesday, November 6, 2007

What is SAD?

I hear a lot of people talk about just feeling sluggish, tired and sort of down. when the weather turns cold and there doesn't seem to be as much sunshine as we would like. There are some natural remedies out there that might prove helpful to get that "energy and pep" back in your step. Here is an article from a company we endorse on the subject.

When the weather is sunny and bright people tend to feel more upbeat and positive. When the weather is gloomy, cold and dismal, moods tend to slump and often people feel a little down.
However, for certain individuals these mood shifts develop into a type of depression that accompanies seasonal changes and affects their ability to function normally. Recurrent episodes of clinical depression that surface during seasonal changes, particularly winter, are referred to as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).
This condition is caused by a biochemical imbalance in the hypothalamus – the part of the brain that governs the primary functions of the body such as appetite, temperature, sleep, sex drive, mood and activity.
The hypothalamus is stimulated by natural light entering the eye and striking the retina. When the days are short and sunlight is reduced, the hypothalamus has to adjust its response to the various body mechanisms, slowing down these functions. To learn more about this disorder go to
Have A Great Day! Ion Exchange

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